DH News
Erika Robb Larkins Interview: Emergent Ecologies
Aug 26To learn more about Emergent Ecologies and its goals, the DH Center interviewed Erika Robb Larkins, SDSU Professor of Anthropology and Director of the Behner Stiefel Center for Brazilian Studies.
Pam Lach named ACH co-Vice President/co-President Elect
Mar 13Congratulations to Pam Lach, DH Librarian/DH Center Director and DH@SDSU Co-Director, on her recent election as co-Vice President/co-President Elect of the Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH).
New Podcast Studio in the DH Center
Sep 20To meet the growing podcasting needs of the SDSU community and beyond, the Digital Humanities Center recently launched its new Group/Multitrack Podcasting Studio.
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