Knowledge and Publication through our DH Community
Below is a list of research published by our faculty that was in some way inspired by and fostered through discussion and collaboration with our Digital Humanities Initiative.
- Peer Reviewed Articles
- Edited Collections
- Books
- Textbooks
- Book Chapters
- Conference Presentations and Preceedings
- Multimedia
SDSU faculty, you can submit your digital humanities-related publications by emailing your work to [email protected]
Peer Reviewed Articles
Pamella R. Lach and Elizabeth Ann Pollard, “Visualizing History in the Classroom: A Faculty-Librarian Partnership in the Digital Age,” New Review of Academic Librarianship 25, no. 2-4 (2019): 335-356.
Mark C. Marino, Diana Leong, and Jessica Pressman, “Entanglements: an exploration of the digital literary work FISHNETSTOCKINGS,” The Digital Review, Issue 2, 2022.
Elizabeth A. Pollard and Pamella R. Lach, “Visualizing Time in Ancient Roman History,” in Visualizing Objects, Places, and Spaces: A Digital Project Handbook, eds. Beth Fischer and Hannah Jacobs (2020).
Nathian Rodriguez and Manley, T. “Dibs on that Sexy Piece of Ass: Hegemonic masculinity on TFM Girls Instagram,” Social Media and Society (2018).
Nathian Rodriguez, “Hip-Hop’s Authentic Masculinity: A Quare Reading of Fox’s Empire. Television and New Media,” Television and New Media (2018).
Sureshi M. Jayawardene, “StoryMap(ping) Black Urban Experiences: Toward an Africana DH Subfield Through Research and Pedagogy,” Journal of African American Studies, 18 May 2020.
Edited Collections
“Special Issue: Toward a Critically Engaged Digital Practice: American Studies and the Digital Humanities” in American Quarterly, Volume 70, Number 3, edited by Lauren Tilton, Amy Earhart, Matt Delmont, Susan Garfinkel, Jesse P. Karlsberg, and Angel David Nieves, (Johns Hopkins University Press: Baltimore, September 2018).
William Nericcio, co-authored with Frederick Luis Aldama, Talking #browntv: Latinas and Latinos on the Screen, appeared December 2019 from the Ohio State University Press.
Chris Werry, OER textbook Reading, Writing, and Evaluating Argument. Modular, flexible, open to remix, revision and creative adaptation. Creative commons license (can be used anywhere). Created from the hive mind, author is “RWS.” But faculty can add sections, chapters, or remixes they author.
Book Chapters
Pamella R. Lach, “Centering our Values: A Framework for Digital Humanities in the Library,” in Digital Humanities in the Library: Challenges and Opportunities for Subject Specialists, Revised Second Edition, eds. Arianne Hartsell-Gundy, Laura Braunstein, Liorah Golomb. Association of College and Research Libraries, 2024, pp 43-68.
Pamella Lach and Jessica Pressman, “Digital Infrastructures: People, Place, and Passion, a Case Study of SDSU” in People, Practice, Power: Digital Humanities outside the Center, eds. Anne. McGrail, Angel David Nieves, Siobhan Senier (University of Minnesota Press, 2022): 189-201.
Pamella R. Lach, Brian Rosenblum, “Sprinting toward Faculty Engagement: Adopting Project Management Approaches to Build Library–Faculty Relationships,” in Advances in Library Administration and Organization Volume 38: Project Management in the Library, eds. Alice Daugherty and Samantha Schmehl Hines (Emerald, Published online: 26 April 2018), 89-114.
William Nericcio, “A Latina/o Pop Quartet for the Ontologically Complex Smartphone Age: An Afterword,” in The Routledge Companion to Latina/o Pop Culture (New York: Routledge, 2016).
William Nericcio, “Tex[t]-Mex, Seductive Hallucinations of the “Mexican” in America, 2.0: A Diary Chronicling the Transmogrifying Metamorphosis of a Neurosis from Book to Museum and on to the Internet” in Latinos and Narrative Media: Participation and Portrayal (Latino Pop Culture Series), edited by Frederick Aldama (Palgrave: New York, 2014), 91-109.
Conference Presentations and Preceedings
Jessica Pressman, “Oceanic Digital Poetry: A Paradigm for 21st-Century Poetics,” Audioliterary Poetry Between Performance And Mediatization conference, Hamburg University, Germany. May 11-13, 2023.
Heather Froehlich, Nabil Kashyap, Pamella R. Lach, Cara Marta Messina, R.C. Miessler, Brandon Walsh, “Possibilities for DH social justice pedagogy in the library,” Association for Computers and the Humanities 2021 Virtual Conference, July 21, 2021.
Jessica Pressman, “Digital Humanities” as part of the ERC-funded research project “Poetry in the Digital Age,” Hamburg University, Germany. April 25, 2023.
Pamella R. Lach, “Space Still Matters: Advocating for Dedicated DH Library Spaces in a Virtual World,” ACRL Digital Humanities Discussion Group Online Symposium, March 29, 2021.
Pamella R. Lach, “Beyond Quarantine: Reimagining Remote Possibilities in a Library Digital Humanities Center,” CNI Digital Scholarship Planning 2020 Webinar Series, September 15, 2020.
Annie Chen,. T., Kaplan, Samantha. J., Lach, Pamella. and Xiao, Lu, “Incorporating Values Sensitive Design into Crowdsourcing Methodologies for Knowledge Collaboration,” Proceedings of the Association of Information Science and Technology, Washington D.C., October 30, 2018.
Pamella Lach, Brianna Marshall, and Rita Vine, “Bridging the gap: supporting subject liaisons to become ambassadors for digital scholarship in academic libraries,” Digital Scholarship Centers Interest Group Panel, ALA Annual 2018, New Orleans, LA, June 24, 2018.
Jessica Pressman, Pamela Jackson, and Pamella Lach, “Project Briefing: DH at SDSU: Modeling Library-Faculty Partnerships,” Coalition for Networked Information Spring Meeting, San Diego, CA, April 12-13, 2018.
Nathian Shae Rodriguez, “Digital Disruptions of Identidad in Media,” TEDxSDSU, SDSU, San Diego, CA, 2018
Jessica Pressman, with Mark C. Marino and Jeremy Douglass, “Electronic Literature as Digital Humanities,” Workshop on Electronic Literature as a Framework for the Digital Humanities, Berkeley Center for New Media, University of California, Berkeley, CA, April 5-6, 2018.
William Nericcio, “Tex[t]-Mex, Eygiene, and Techosexualities/Robotic Erotic Electric.” A series of three feature lectures for Sapienza – Università di Roma / Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy, April 2018.
Pamella Lach, “Tagging for Justice: Democratizing Knowledge through Participatory Object Description,” Center for Human Dynamics in the Mobile Age Spring 2018 Lightning Talk Series, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, March 23, 2018.
Pamella Lach with Elizabeth Pollard, “Visualizing Scholarship: Teaching Historiography in the Digital Age,” “From Evidence to Scholarship: Transforming Student Research in the Digital Age,” Reed College, Portland, OR, March 14-16, 2018.
Pamella Lach, “Transforming Humanities Librarianship for the Digital Age,” “Meeting the Needs of Humanities Librarians Roundtable: Equipping and Supporting Today’s Humanities Librarian,” National Federation of Advanced Information Services 2018 Annual Meeting and Humanities Advocacy Day / National Humanities Alliance 2018 Annual Meeting and Humanities Advocacy Day, Washington, D.C., March 11, 2018.
Elizabeth Pollard and Pamella Lach, “Digital Tools for a Connected World History,” Northwest World History Association Annual Meeting, Seattle University, Seattle, Washington, February 16-18, 2018.
Sarah Melton and Pamella Lach, “Digital Collections and Exhibitions with Omeka,” Half-day course, Association for Research Libraries Digital Scholarship Institute, University of California at San Diego, San Diego, CA, January 8-12, 2018.
Pamella Lach and Annie T. Chen, “Tagging for Justice: Challenging Hegemonic Object Description through Participatory Metadata Creation,” HASTAC 2017, Florida Digital Humanities Consortium, Orlando, FL, November 2-4, 2017.
William Nericcio, “The Border is/as Mirror/La frontera es/como espejo: Foucauldian/Paredesian Reflections on Existential Barbwire and Real Concrete Along the U.S/Mexico Border,” IASA Plenary Lecture, International American Studies Association Bi-Annual Conference, TAMIU, The Texas A&M International University, Laredo, TX, July 18, 2017.
Pamella Lach and Brian Rosenblum, “Running Further Together: Adopting Collaborative, Team-Based Research Sprints to Advance Digital Humanities Scholarship,” Workshop, Keystone DH 2017, Chemical Heritage Foundation, Philadelphia, PA, July 12-14, 2017.
Pamella Lach, “Cultivating Community: Building Support for Digital Humanities in Academic Libraries,” University of California San Diego Libraries, San Diego, CA, March 13, 2017.
William Nericcio, “Alfonso Cuarón’s Children of Men: Dystopic Cinema on the Verge or A Film of Revelation”, LASER and The Department of English @ OSU, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, March 8, 2017.
William Nericcio, “Mextasy and the Hallucinating Mirror: Mutating Psyches Shackled to the Flashing Edges of a Ubiquitous Screen (Ontology in the Age of the Smartphone),” The University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, April 28, 2016.
William Nericcio, “Mextasy on the Verge, Border, Frontier of Yesterday and Tomorrow: Latina/o Metamorphosis in the Age of Social Media and the iPhone,” BINACOM/SDSU, Binational Association of Schools of Communication/ Asociación Binacional de Escuelas de Comunicación, SDSU, San Diego, CA, April 22-24, 2016.
William Nericcio, “From Tex[t]-Mex to Mextasy 21st Century Mexicans, Mexican-Americans, and Latinas/os in the Age of the Smartphone and the Digital Humanities,” Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, April 13, 2016.
William Nericcio, “Eyegiene: Permutations of Subjectivity in the Televisual Age of Sex and Race” and “Memoirs “With” the Blind: What Jacques Derrida and Jorge Luis Borges Whispered into the Ear of Jon Hamm and Bryan Cranston on the Sets of Mad Men and Breaking Bad,” for the William Nericcio, “Ateliers de recherche: Images of Fashion & Death in American TV” @ École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS)/School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences, EHESS (SIÈGE), Paris, France, April 5-6, 2016.
Jessica Pressman, Maura Giles-Watson, and Katherine Hijar, “Building a DH Program by Building a Regional Network,” “The Digital Humanities Infrastructure Symposium,” UCLA Center for Digital Humanities, Los Angeles, CA, February 26, 2016.
William Nericcio, “Toxic “Mexican” Digital Mannequins, Viral HisPANIC Stereotypes, and Contagious, Smartphone-borne Hate: Existential Conundrums for Latinas/os on the Brink of 21st Century Mextasy in the Age of the Digital Humanities,” Crossroad Talks: Culture, Identity, Language and Literature in Active Contact Zones Conference Keynote Address, Arizona Historical Society Museum, Tucson; University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, February 25-27, 2016.
William Nericcio, “Cyborg Chicanos, Virtual Latinas, Smartphones, and Digital Culturas: Viral, Electric Mutations of Latina/o Stereotypes in the Age of the Internet,” The University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, February 22, 2016.
William Nericcio, “From Ira Levin’s The Stepford Wives to Nancy Oliver and Craig Gillespie’s Lars and the Real Girl to Spike Jonze’s Her, and Alex Garland’s Ex Machina: A Brief Illustrated History of Affective Disorders Exacerbated by Object/Technology Fetishism, or ‘How I Learned to Love my Phone’,” San Diego Psychoanalytic Center (SDPC), San Diego, CA, February 19, 2016.
William Nericcio, “Walter Benjamin, Marshall McLuhan, Antonio Rafele, and the Future Narratology in the Age of Digital Replication,” Master of Art in Liberal Arts and Sciences Program Lecture, SDSU Main Campus, San Diego, CA, October 7, 2015.
Jessica Pressman,“Building and Strengthening Digital Humanities through a Regional Network,”The National Endowment for the Humanities Director Meeting, Washington D.C., September 24, 2015. Learn more.
William Nericcio, “Robotic, Erotic, Electric: More Ruminating Thoughts on Literature, Film, and Cultural Studies in the Utterly Perplexing and Delighting Age of Social Media, Ubiquitous Surveillance, and the Selfie,” THATCamp Boise State, Keynote Presentation, The Humanities and Technology Camp, Boise State University, Boise, Utah, September 13, 2014.
Joanna Brooks, American Beauty podcast, 21 episodes, featuring interviews with 21 leading women academics in the humanities, law, and social sciences. Launched Fall 2018.
Listen via iTunes, YouTube, or SoundCloud.