
The Digital Humanities Initiative at SDSU promotes critical engagement with digital technologies by providing a hub for innovation and collaboration. To support our mission, we are experimenting with providing seed funding for student research/creative work. The fund will provide high-achieving undergraduate or graduate students with support to engage in Digital Humanities professional development, present their work at conferences, and bring knowledge back to the DH@SDSU community.

To apply, applicants must submit a proposal that addresses the following questions (up to 1000 words):

  • What are your research questions?
  • How is this a Digital Humanities project?
  • How does your DH project address questions of global diversity?
  • How will the DH@SDSU funding support this research development? (If you are attending a conference or professional event, explain why you have chosen this particular event and what your role in it will be)
  • How will your research advance DH@SDSU and the larger DH community?
  • What other funding source(s) are you seeking?

After receiving the funds and presenting one’s work/attending the conference, the awardee must write an overview of the experience for the DH’s blog. The awardee will also work with DH Staff to put together a talk, workshop, exhibition, or other event, to be held in the DH Center, so as to publically share the DH-seeded work with the larger DH@SDSU community.

Amount: Varying amounts will be awarded to one or multiple students during the Academic Year, pending compelling applications and funding. Use of award funds must comply with SDSU policies regarding travel and reimbursement, including but not limited to not violating state travel restrictions.

Deadline for applications:  The 2019 award cycle has closed and is no longer accepting applicants for this fiscal year. For any questions about future applications, please email the Digital Humanities Initiative at

*Members of the Core Faculty in the Area of Excellence “Digital Humanities and Global Diversity” will serve as judges for the award*